You do not have to use this form to receive assistance

The intention of this form is to provide Summit attendees with a mechanism to report harassment or other forms of harm.  This form is not intended to be used to receive immediate assistance or support. 

If you believe you have been harassed by any member of the Summit community or while participating in a Summit program or activity, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Incident Council (“IC”) or any other Summit team members, such as your Curator. 

The Incident Council is an internal team at Summit trained to adjudicate incidents and keep our community safe for all members.  The Incident Council have signed non-disclosure agreements and will keep these reports confidential. The Incident Council is supported by advisement and recommendations from community members on best next actions for incident categories and case types.

This form is to assist with reporting an incident to the IC.  While it would be helpful for you to fill out this form, you are not required to do so in order to report an alleged incident of unlawful harassment.

The IC is available to provide you with answers to questions you may have about the process and your options, advice and/or referrals. [Email questions to] You are not obligated to provide your name; however, the ability of the IC to take action against an alleged harasser may be more difficult based on an anonymous report.  Whatever your decision, the IC or Summit team members are available to assist you in stopping the unwelcome and unwanted conduct.

Print version available here.

If you prefer, you may email this report form with the Subject stating “Confidential” to